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Why Your Clinic Needs Medical Malpractice Insurance

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If you run a medical clinic, chances are good that you already have some type of medical malpractice insurance policy. If you don’t, then you should consider adding this type of insurance to your policy as soon as possible. If you’re wondering why it’s important to have medical malpractice insurance, consider these primary reasons. You Might Be Required to Have It First of all, there are federal laws and regulations in place that medical clinics have to abide by, as you probably already know. Read More»

How Much Commercial Insurance Should You Carry?

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A common question when a business owner contacts a commercial insurance agency involves how much coverage they should carry. The answer hinges largely on what type of business you run and how much risk exposure you might have. Let’s look at how to assess the amount of commercial insurance you should purchase. How Is the Company Organized? A lot of your long-term risk exposure, especially to lawsuits, boils down to how the business is organized. Read More»

4 Basics for Saving on Auto Insurance for Seniors

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As a senior citizen, you may be on a tight budget, and overpaying for car insurance can really hamper your budget. As you get older, you may notice that your premium starts to creep upward again as you become, in the eyes of insurance companies, a little riskier to provide insurance to. Luckily, there are steps you can take to help reduce your auto insurance. Basic #1: Take a Safe Driving Course Read More»

Do Auto Insurance Premiums Change When You Pay Off Your Loan?

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When you purchase a car with a loan, you will have to make the monthly payments until you pay off the loan in full. For some people, this takes 36 months. For others, it takes up to 84 months. In any case, you might wonder if paying off your loan affects your auto insurance premiums. Here are several things to know about this question. Paying Off Your Loan Does Not Automatically Change Things Read More»

Auto Insurance Shopping Tips For A Successful Policy Purchase

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Car insurance is a necessary protection for you when you own a vehicle and drive the roads. In addition to protecting others from you if you accidentally crash into them, your auto insurance covers your own vehicle if it is in an accident and pays for your vehicle’s loan in the event the damages cost more than the vehicle is worth. But there are a lot of different insurance companies, policy coverage, and deductibles. Read More»

Why It's Important To Shop Around Before Purchasing High-Risk Car Insurance

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There are various reasons why people find themselves in need of high-risk car insurance. You might have been convicted of a DWI or other serious charge, or you might have just been charged with a lot of speeding tickets. You may have been involved in one or more car accidents that were your fault. No matter why the insurance companies might consider you to be a high-risk driver, it’s important to shop around before purchasing high-risk car insurance. Read More»

Are Your Belongings Protected By Homeowners Insurance? 4 Answers

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When most people think of home insurance, they think about the protection of the structure against things like storms or a sudden pipe burst. But your homeowners insurance also covers the belongings you own and keep inside that home. But what about belongings of a more unusual nature? What about things not inside your home? Or others’ things that are inside your property? Where do these fit into the puzzle? Here are a few answers. Read More»

Linking Your Elds: How You Can Reduce Your Semi-Truck Insurance Costs

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As a commercial truck driver, or as the owner of a commercial trucking company, the insurance you purchase for your truck or trucks is vital. Unfortunately, those premiums can add up substantially, especially if you have several trucks in your fleet. One thing you may be able to do to reduce your insurance costs is ensure that all of your trucks use electronic log devices. Here’s a look at what you should know about making this conversion to help your insurance rates. Read More»