Making Sure My Family Is Covered

Do You Really Need An Umbrella Policy For Your Car?

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Some car owners pass on umbrella insurance because they feel it is an unnecessary expense. Others do so because of misconceptions they have about the coverage. Unfortunately, not knowing the truth about umbrella insurance and failing to understand how it could benefit you could leave you without the coverage needed in the event that there is an accident. To help you make a more informed decision about umbrella insurance, here is what you need to know. Read More»

What You Need To Know About HOAs And Home Insurance

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If you don’t want the added hassle of maintaining your landscaping or you want access to private amenities like a pool and workout facility, then investing in a home that belongs to an HOA can be a great solution. HOAs are a cooperative of homeowners that work together to maintain a certain standard of living within their community. While there are many benefits associated with belonging to an HOA, these associations can make it tricky to ensure that you have the right home insurance in place for your property. Read More»

How A Business Owner's Policy Can Protect You

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As a small business, as if the responsibilities of day-to-day operations weren’t enough to fill your plate, you also have to concern yourself with other things like liability issues. As an owner, when your business or the actions of an employee are responsible for the loss of another, in any form, you could be held liable. Make sure you have the coverage and protection you need in the form of a business owner’s policy (BOP). Read More»

What To Do If You Can't Get Life Insurance

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It’s unfortunate that sometimes you may be denied life insurance by some providers. That can happen if you are recently diagnosed with an illness that would lead to a greater risk of mortality. But there are coverage options and things to consider if you find yourself in this situation. Check for Life Insurance With No Questions Asked If you were denied life insurance, it’s probably because you went through a company that asked you to do a medical evaluation and checked your health records. Read More»

Why A New Home May Attract High Insurance Rates

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Most homeowners know that old homes are expensive to insure because they have outdated and dangerous installations, such as old oil tanks and unstable electrical wiring. However, don’t assume that a home will attract low insurance rates just because it is new. Here are three reasons a new house might be expensive to insure: It’s Located in a Disaster-Prone Area Some places experience disasters so often that it automatically impacts homeowners’ insurance rates. Read More»