If you drive, then you need car insurance. Holding insurance protects you against liability should you be involved in an accident and it helps to pay for the minor dents and dings that are an unfortunate fact of life for car owners. Your insurance premiums don’t have to be a burden, however, and it isn’t necessary to sacrifice important coverage to keep your premiums under control. There are several steps you can take to make sure that you are getting the best rate possible. Read More»
If you’re looking to have your plans in place for the future, you may be looking into purchasing more insurance coverage. Life insurance is one of those essential needs as you go about your daily affairs. You never know when you’ll no longer be around to pay your bills or support your family, and this coverage serves as a protection. Here are the top reasons to invest in life insurance: Read More»
In almost all states, companies are required to purchase a workers compensation insurance policy to protect their employees in the event of a workplace injury. While this is an extremely important safety net, workers compensation insurance premiums can be quite expensive and can become a big burden for nearly any business. Luckily, there are several things that a company can do to lower the costs of their workers’ compensation insurance policy and ensure that they are paying the lowest premiums possible. Read More»
Are you a contractor who provides services for the United States government abroad? If so, then Defense Base Act Insurance likely applies to you and your employees. The Defense Base Act (DBA) is federal legislation that provides workers’ compensation benefits specifically to United States civilian contractors who are working on military bases overseas. This important act provides protection for you and your employees should they be injured during their contracted work with the US military. Read More»
If you’re concerned about the cost of motorcycle insurance, you should know that the type of motorcycle that you own will have an impact on your rates. Just as with cars, different motorcycles cost different amounts to insure. These are a few tips that can help you choose a motorcycle that will not cost too much to purchase insurance for.
1. Buy a Used Motorcycle
Don’t just buy a brand-new motorcycle. Read More»