3 Advantages Of Pay Per Mile Motorcycle Insurance
Motorcycle owners are often stuck with traditional insurance policies that force them to insure their bike at the same rate as other people who ride far more. While motorcycle insurance is absolutely essential, it can also be frustrating to pay more for something you feel you don't get as much use out of. Thankfully, for individuals who only take their bike out on the road once in a while -- or those who ride every day, but only short distances -- there are now much more flexible policies available. Keep reading below to discover just three of the biggest advantages of these kinds of policies.
Lower Cost
No one likes to pay more than they have to for insurance, and this is the primary motivating factor for many people who switch from traditional policies to ones that only ask you to pay for each mile you've been on your bike. The latter type of policy is virtually always much less expensive, effectively freeing up your finances for other monthly bills and expenses. While many pay per mile policies do require customers to pay a base rate each month (in addition to a set fee per mile), the total annual cost is bound to be competitive for those whose odometers don't get much use.
No Compromise
Because of the cost of traditional policies, many motorcycle owners who are in a financial pinch may feel that there is no room for compromise -- either they keep their bike and continue paying high rates, or they get rid of their bike altogether and hope for a time when they can more easily afford to ride. With a pay per mile motorcycle insurance policy from a place like Quote Buy Ride, however, there's no need for a drastic either-or decision. You can both keep your bike and ride when you want.
Purchasing a Motorcycle
Pay per mile insurance policies are even beneficial for those who don't yet own a bike. Many licensed riders haven't made good on their dream of purchasing a bike of their own because of traditional insurance policies that don't make sense for their region. Whether it's blistering heat in the summer or frigid winds in the winter, there are many variables that can prevent people from riding year round, and thus discourage them from buying a bike. But with pay per mile policies, you can store your bike for months out of the year without feeling as if you're wasting money.