4 Thing You Should Consider Before Purchasing A New Auto Insurance Policy
Many auto insurers promise drivers discounts and savings simply by becoming customers. The fact of the matter is that your individual mileage may vary between various auto insurance companies. Instead of comparing quotes and going with the insurance provider that currently offers the best rates, focus on these four factors that can help you to keep your car insurance premiums lower over time.
1. Your Driving Record Counts - Any driver who continually receives moving violations will feel the sting when auto insurance renewal time comes along. Even if you haven't been ticketed for speeding, making an unsafe lane change, or following behind traffic too closely in awhile, these violations may still be relevant to your insurance provider. Being extra cautious when you drive your car can lead to lower auto insurance costs in the long run.
2. Avoiding Accidents Will Lower Your Rates - The act of reporting an accident to your insurance company can cause your auto insurance rates to go up, even if you didn't cause the collision. Submitting an insurance claim can also also result in higher car insurance premiums, so be aware of the pluses and minuses associated with going through your insurer for accident repairs. The good news is that having a long driving history that is free of accidents you can get better rates on your car insurance.
3. Adding Other Drivers To Your Policy Can Make Your Rates Fluctuate - Adding another driver normally causes auto insurance costs to rise, but there is a caveat. You may overall get better rates on comprehensive car insurance if you add a driver with a flawless driving record, and you can even see a dip in prices if your own driving record has been spotty. Sometimes younger motorists can get a discount on car insurance costs by sharing an auto insurance policy with someone who hasn't been ticketed or been in an accident for some time.
4. Newer Cars Are Generally Most Costly To Insure - First and foremost, in nearly every situation, a car that is currently being financed requires comprehensive insurance. Even if you let your auto insurance lapse or purchase liability only coverage instead, the company that is financing your car will take out an insurance policy that you will be required to pay back. If you are most concerned about car insurance affordability, it may be worth it to keep an older car running so that you can get access to lower car insurance premiums.